Hook up with hot gay men at Eagleby Wetlands in Beenleigh
  • Eagleby Wetlands

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Beenleigh
    • Neighbourhood: Beenleigh, Stapleton, Yatala, Holmview, Loganholme
    • Address: 257 River Hills Rd
  • Viewed: 5617
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Large park within the Oliver's Sporting Complex. It has boardwalks, walking trails, and multiple bird-hide viewing structures. There are also public toilet facilities which are open all the time. There are 4 bird hides, 1 to the left of the lake and 1 to the right, the other two are fairly inaccessible. The one circled on the map seems to work best for groups and privacy but the other one over the boardwalk can be used also. There's also plenty of private bushland to play in.

    Update: there are three bird hides. The best one is the one next to the water treatment facility. It’s circled in red on the newly added pic of the map. It has a discreet approach and lots of privacy. The other two are not private and can be seen easily from a straight approach path.