Hook up with hot gay men at Toohey Forest in Brisbane
  • Toohey Forest

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Brisbane
    • Neighbourhood: Salisbury
    • Address: Toohey Road
  • Viewed: 683715
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: A cruisy park.
    Both Sides of The Road Works

    Location is :
    Toohey Road Nathan 4111

    Day and Night Works
    Very Late Nights and Early Mornings Too.

    How it works

    Day Time Instructions: Time Park in Carpark opposite Mayne Estate Picnic Area" better known as "Toohey Forest.' There are two tracks - a rough gravel path and a bitumen one. Both tracks lead to the ridge.

    Nighttime Instructions : (after nightfall, after dark) park next to "Mayne Estate Picnic Area" easy to do as there are many parking bays along Toohey Road then get out of your car just off the road are seats and tables. Watch who emerges from the bushes easy to see when the next car pulls up.
    The side of the beat/park with the carpark is locked in the early hours of the evening by the council however some more adventurous might like to move in groups across the busy Toohey Road to access the easy walk bitumen track to the top of the hill. This track was once the beat before the carpark on the side was locked at night. See you here soon at "Mayne Estate Picnic Area"