Deep Water Bend Reserve/ Tinchi Tamba Wetlands Reserve
Deep Water Bend Reserve/ Tinchi Tamba Wetlands Reserve
Website link: No website link provided
City: Brisbane
Neighbourhood: Bald Hills
Address: 321 Wyampa Rd
Viewed: 97353
Rating: 4100
Description: Best parking here, if you type in Google Maps Tinchi Tamba Wetlands Reserve Car Park 2.
This is a wetlands reserve, with plenty of bushland to get down and dirty in. The main cruising area is at the bird hide, so once you have parked at Car Park 2 there is a small pathway, get in it and it comes to a T junction at 15 metres in. Turn right and follow that track. You will come to a CROSS junction, turn left for the water tanks for some quiet nighttime cruising or proceed forward to the bird hide. Don’t turn right at the CROSS junction, you’ll end up back at the road.