Hook up with hot gay men at Innes park inlet showers in Bundaberg
  • Innes park inlet showers

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Bundaberg
    • Neighbourhood: Friendly, very busy during day all ages
    • Address: 5 Innes Park Rd
  • Viewed: 993
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Perfect place at night. Sensor light as you walk in, there are male toilets on the left-hand car park and a disabled, all of which are very spacious and clean. So it should remain clean and tidy.
    If you're unsure about the toilets have a walk around there are plenty of dark spots to play. Just be aware of the camera next to the outdoor showers, there is also a safety button if you or any person feels in danger or hurts themselves.