Hook up with hot gay men at Rotary Park in Caloundra
  • Rotary Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Caloundra
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 7 Caloundra Rd
  • Viewed: 93091
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: A small bushland cruising area located just off Caloundra Road. NOTE: This is NOT the Rotary park with toilets which are located across the road. This park doesn’t have toilets.

    TO GET TO THE CRUISING AREA: drive in through the main gate (a silver coloured gate at the front) Approximately 25 metres you’ll see a second (yellow) gate. Just before this yellow gate on the right hand side you will see a concrete footpath/bikepath. Park your car anywhere around here discreetly and out of the way. Walk along this concrete footpath and in approximately 5-10 metres on the left hand side are a couple of smaller dirt tracks. Follow these tracks 10 or so metres until you get to a wire fence running along the back. This is where all the action happens, right along the back amongst the bushes. Walk up and down the fence line and just wait back there until guys rock up. If other cars are parked you can assume there may be a guy or 2 already in the bushes waiting.

    PLEASE Do Not go in and out of the bushland repeatedly as you’ll be seen.

    The Pie Man van operates weekdays until 2ish. Don’t confuse someone parked having lunch for someone cruising! Not everyone is cruising.