Hook up with hot gay men at Phillip Park in Gold Coast
  • Phillip Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Gold Coast
    • Neighbourhood: Main Beach
    • Address: Seaworld Drive
  • Viewed: 482949
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Big car park now lit with lamps. Most frequented areas are the path at the bottom right hand corner and the toilets. In addition to lamps, there is now a pair of cameras near the map of the trails. These are used to watch for people when it gets dark, doing stuff in their cars. They are in use since they have been seen moving and are most likely watching people in their cars.
    Description: Big car park now lit with lamps. Most frequented areas are the path at the bottom right hand corner and the toilets. Security cameras have now been removed from the car park (October 2020)