Hook up with hot gay men at Goonyella Road Rest Stop in Moranbah
  • Goonyella Road Rest Stop

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Moranbah
    • Neighbourhood: Moranbah
    • Address: 1082 Moranbah Access
  • Viewed: 71896
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Little single booth toilet with urinal peep hole. No glory-hole. Door has been replaced with a steel door. Gap between door and wall hinge, can see cruisers stand in doorway groping themselves. Gap in wall, can see guys pissing or stroking up at the urinal. (Urinal peephole mentioned above). Picnic table near creek is the go to table, although cruisers will sit at other tables waiting for someone to walk to creek table.