Hook up with hot gay men at Newstead House in Newstead
  • Newstead House

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Newstead
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 199 Breakfast Creek Rd
  • Viewed: 233055
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: Update July 2024 lights installed near the front of the house and more lights going in plus cameras

    The below is during day & business hours, Cruising safely from 8:30 pm - 4:00 am every day.
    Apartments across the road recently installed floodlights pointed towards the grass hill & gardeners' sheds.

    The most discreet & dark area is around the pond in front of Newstead House, private walking trails, and a seated area,
    access via the back footpath towards the hill enter via the side of the garden or from the main driveway, and use at your discretion be quiet and respectful of others using the park facilities.

    Newstead Park (commonly known as Newstead House) is just off Breakfast Creek Road opposite Bunnings and Mercedes Benz.

    This park is used by families and for events such as weddings.

    Construction work is currently underway to restore The Newstead House and to build the new bridge across the water.

    Road conditions have permanently changed in the park with the road now being changed to one way only and therefore access to the park is via the traffic lights next to Bunnings which then requires a sharp left turn up the ramp to the top of the hill where the cruising toilets are located. Look for the big tree in the middle.

    Cruising here occurs during the day around the toilet cubicles at the top of the hill and after dark; especially in the evening with workers on their way home or at night.

    Cruising occurs next to the house. You’ll see 7 stairs then a little circular area. There is also a walking track behind the house which is good if you’re seeking 1:1 time as it’s hard for multiple people to stand around.

    Various men such as traders, businessmen, and those exercising well frequent the cruising area. You need to be alert that since families meet use the park during the day to be discreet and at times the authorities sweep the area.