Hook up with hot gay men at Point Cook Coastal Park in Werribee
  • Point Cook Coastal Park

  • Website link:
    • City: Werribee
    • Neighbourhood: Point cook
    • Address: Point Cook Homestead Road
  • Viewed: 646386
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: There are no glory holes at the park anymore. Play on the bushes near car parks and tracks leading from them.

    Bushes to the left of the second last carpark are best. The last carpark toilets are good and bushes toward the right. There is no glory hole - the bird watchers' walking track is able to be accessed for some play towards where the bird hide used to be - also photos 2 and 3 are old and no longer true - the toilet block in photo 2 has been removed - the glory hole wall in photo 3 has been removed.