Hook up with hot gay men at Chinook Theatre Food Court in Calgary - Southwest
  • Chinook Theatre Food Court

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Calgary - Southwest
    • Neighbourhood: Chinook Mall
    • Address: 6455 Macleod Trail South
  • Viewed: 108735
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: An excellent place to meet and greet discreet guys, and then take it elsewhere. No one will know why you are there. It's a general mix of people but there is enough background noise from the theatre arcade and music, etc., that you can talk without others listening in. This is located in the Movie Theatre Food Court, not the main food court in the mall. It has nothing to do with the movie theatres. It is a quieter area tucked away on the west side of the theatres. There are tables and a small food court area with Tim Horton's etc. Park in the southwest parking area of the mall. There is a stairway that goes directly from the outside of the building into the theatre food court area.