Hook up with hot gay men at Metrotown Office Galleria in Burnaby
  • Metrotown Office Galleria

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Burnaby
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 4700 Kingsway St.
  • Viewed: 185068
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: The code is 13579# for both the male and female washrooms, designated for employees of the Mall. This may be helpful for our Lesbian friends to know. Additional caution must be used to avoid bumping into the wrong gendered washroom, as they are side by side in the hallway, sharing the same entry code. Small print on signage. The paint colours may differ, similar architecture within. A bonus private secure Disabled or Handicapped washroom, requiring no code, precedes both gendered washrooms. Just push automatic open panel, bring your new friend to assist you, lock the door. Enjoy.

    There are two sets of men’s washrooms. The other set is on the same floor but on the north side of the mall. The elevator is the mid point between the washrooms. Both men’s washrooms use the same code to enter.