Hook up with hot gay men at Douglas College in New Westminster
  • Douglas College

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: New Westminster
    • Neighbourhood: New Westminster
    • Address: 700 Royal Avenue
  • Viewed: 48837
  • Rating: 2 Rating: 2 star 100
  • Description: Small room, but on the lower floor of the school away from most of the active classes so less people use this location. This is only a quick stop for maybe a quick suck or jerk. This is the least used bathroom, sometimes people will be in there, but they leave right away.

    Bathroom on the first floor of the North building. Walk past the gym and the bathroom there and continue walking around the corridors until you get to another bathroom. No barriers between urinals. Can be busy when classes end/start but is quiet after that.
    Can do understand jerking off or blowing or jerking off at the urinals