Hook up with hot gay men at Sandmans Chop Steakhouse Bathrooms in Richmond
  • Sandmans Chop Steakhouse Bathrooms

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Richmond
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 10251 St Edwards Dr
  • Viewed: 4379
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Two different ways to enter & cruise:

    1) Through the restaurant (mens washroom)
    The mens washroom is towards the back of the restaurant and has 2 private restrooms with no partitions at the bottom! Perfect for two dudes to be men with each other! There are about 3 urinals with high walls to shoot looks, make eye contact, stroke and show off your goods!

    2) Through the Sandman Signature Hotel
    To enter through the hotel if youre not dinning in at the restaurant, walk into the hotel main entrance, head towards the hallway past the coffee stand and make the first left you can at the little desks into the smaller hallway. This hallway leads straight to a door that opens to the entrance of the mens washroom as the restaurant and the hotel are connected internally through a couple doors!

    Refer to photos.