Hook up with hot gay men at Port Kells Park in Surrey
  • Port Kells Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Surrey
    • Neighbourhood: Port Kells
    • Address: 19340 88 Ave
  • Viewed: 254163
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: This spot is a little gravel parking lot.

    Guys come here to cruise. They will sit in their vehicles and signal you over; you can then get in and have fun.

    There are also lots of trails and more hidden areas around. Starting from the gravel lot, you can either park discreetly and cruise other vehicles, or you can walk past the washrooms (keeping left on the trail) and cross the bridge to the more secluded wooded area. There is a lookout platform about 5 minutes down the trail, which is a good spot for cruising.