Hook up with hot gay men at Steamworks Vancouver in Vancouver
  • Steamworks Vancouver

  • Website link:
    • City: Vancouver
    • Neighbourhood: Gastown / Chinatown
    • Address: 123 West Pender Street
  • Viewed: 2738935
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: This spot has lockers and private rooms in a 2-level space. Facilities include a hot tub, sauna, steam room, gym, and a dark area upstairs and porn lounges, mazes, play spaces, and dark areas downstairs.

    The steam room has been renovated snd getting lots more use. A bit more spacious. More people hang out in there not a ton of action as it’s extremely hot compared to the dry sauna. Most guys leave their towels outside the room so it’s pretty sexy inside as the steam lessens.

    The gym is small but effective. You can get a good workout as well as cardio. Some hot guys work out here. Some are nude, and most enjoy an audience. The gym passes are a great value if you don’t wanna hang around longer than two hours

    There is a slurp ramp above the back dark room that gets the most anonymous action, especially on blackout nights on Thursday. Glory Holes in the downstairs cubicles are seldom busy. Do you know if somebody’s in it if there’s a towel slung over the wall Slurp ramps behind the locker room upstairs are amazing, but generally only busy at the peak times Fuck benches in both rooms and the play downstairs by the stairs.

    Open shower area close to the downstairs play area. Showers are a great place to meet guys for more play. The toilet downstairs has a hose that you can attach to your nozzle. They are available in the vending machines.

    The mouthwash station has been improved and moved up to the top floor bathroom.

    The TV area upstairs is great for socializing. The one downstairs sometimes gets some action as people go by also a great view of the sling.

    Most guys walk around with the towel on their waist, however, a good number of people, and seemingly increasingly walk around with it slung over their shoulder, exposing all. Occasionally guys will be in fetish gear or sexy underwear.

    They have two-size towels. And there is a free towel exchange whenever you need a dry one.