Hook up with hot gay men at Old Marine Drive in Vancouver
  • Old Marine Drive

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Vancouver
    • Neighbourhood: Wreck Beach
    • Address: Old Marine Drive
  • Viewed: 417350
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Just to add to the information in the post, the road, adjoining woods, and of course the beach, are very cruisy when the road is open too!
    This is separate from the Wreck Beach listing. This is for the trails on the upper cliffs above the beach. These are accessed from Old Marine Drive and there are no steps or stairs or inclines to reach them - they are at street level. Old Marine Drive is a dead-end street that abuts UBC Botanical Gardens and provides access to Trail 7. It is mostly used as a parking lot for people heading to the Beach via Trail 7. On the south side of the road is a network of trails, mostly hidden from the street, where cruising occurs at all hours.
    Trails above the beach on top of the woods cliffs that line Old Marine Drive. No stairs required.