Hook up with hot gay men at Lagimodiere-Gaboury Park in Winnipeg
  • Lagimodiere-Gaboury Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Winnipeg
    • Neighbourhood: North St Boniface
    • Address: 360 Rue Notre Dame
  • Viewed: 1015589
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description:
    This is a year-round park, mainly used for sports (in the far western part of the park). There are lots of neat bike trails and paths that take you around the Seine River, to where it meets the Red River.
    ** The main entrance off the Loop is now re-opened with a railway crossing **. There are lots of bushes for privacy, and the park is quiet enough that you will have plenty of time to hear someone coming. The park gets fairly dark as the sunsets. During the summer, highly recommend bringing bug spray as the mosquitos can be annoying.