Hook up with hot gay men at University of Manitoba in Winnipeg
  • University of Manitoba

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Winnipeg
    • Neighbourhood: University
    • Address: 106 Curry Place
  • Viewed: 332240
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Engineering building 4th floor room 440 washroom. On the 4th floor when you come into 75A doors. There are 3 stalls. In the Stanley Pauley Center, there is a lockable private bathroom (easiest way to enter is through the 3rd Floor entrance from E2)

    Stanley Pauley Engineering Building has a private shower on the 3rd floor.

    Wallace building has lockable bathrooms but be careful as someone may hear (nearby classrooms).

    Any of the washrooms in Fletcher Argue (4th floor and up). There's one stall in most and after 5 pm the upper floors are deserted.

    1st Floor tier washrooms are a good meet up spot.