- Website link: www.google.ca/search?client=safari&sca_esv=7e02005d08292325&channel=iphone_bm&q=waverley+road&uds=ADvngMiVwNjUMFaxjMGTlY7pFSsopSfOeui0bMlgVvlyqxxui0q6HGwxzRAH01ScgqY9TpOUOBqQ2QUxSQjC8YX3CDs6nJkwEIy2MWSHwbhmgMy9JgHoTNApT1H3NMrxXi1zdsTFk9YpdGeQ89NBcUkH25snueytMxU6qQOqYQrwRGmLOL3kQsIPDQ9Rrw9xF7L_c-gW0nuoghclh-XoYxYq_aHqErpRw0OQ0FfsgJk4jOlotRNtsN8TEd4e-lc_u98Yp7F1wETj&si=ACC90nxUzOfvFoU4exd4biKnHm2FG3EWkY1Xl9bfD-zCRN4ZYBibO3uFtoaY3scJ2krPeLoPGMwk6MpGTavUG9UlBB7bpAyeKydHgPtPwq3X79uhYEKnlyI%3D&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-56b22vqIAxUNMlkFHQBPOJcQk8gLegQIFBAD&ictx=1&biw=375&bih=550&dpr=2
- City: Dartmouth
- Neighbourhood: Dartmouth
- Address: Waverley Road
- Viewed: 258115
- Description: Going up the Waverley Road from Dartmouth turn left into the parking area immediately after the first overpass. The area where people met before where the teepee was has been clear-cut in preparation for highway improvement. The best area now is to cross the bridge and go left on the trail. The regularly maintained trail is straight for several hundred yards and then veers left. At this corner keep going straight ahead up a grassy sideroad. This wide forested road continues slightly upfill for quite a ways parallel to an elevated highway and there are lots of areas to explore privately.