Hook up with hot gay men at Guindon Park in Cornwall
  • Guindon Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Cornwall
    • Neighbourhood: West of Cornwall on Highway 2
    • Address: Power Dam Drive and Highway 2
  • Viewed: 302345
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: It's a parking lot that also serves as a trail head for x.country skiing and nature trails on the border of Cornwall. Guys are starting to cruise more at the site of Guindon Park's first washroom building, west of the first parks entrance. Go to Guindon's second gates entrance off highway two, turn in, make a left turn at the open iron gate and proceed down the winding gravel road to the washroom. Park the car on the north side of park and cruise the park on the north side. You will see other cars cruising.