Hook up with hot gay men at Sherway Gardens in Etobicoke
  • Sherway Gardens

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Etobicoke
    • Neighbourhood: Etobicoke
    • Address: 25 The West Mall
  • Viewed: 174778
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: Sherway Gardens is a mall in Etobicoke. The best washrooms are The Bay. Good reflective flooring to watch other guys take a piss. Also the stalls are deep enough that it’s tough to see what’s going on inside. Best to hang out in the handicap stall and stroke a bit. An interested party will notice. Or try tapping your foot if they’re in the next stall or 2 over.

    The food court has a public washroom near New York Fries, with an interesting layout with walls making it easy to hide from people coming in if you're using urinals.

    It's best to stick to these washrooms as the other mall washroom is located near the security office. If anyone were to report action in this washroom it's hard to make a getaway before security comes.

    Hudson's Bay has a pretty secluded washroom on the lower level.
    4 stalls, and 3 urinals with no division, door located away from urinals, so there's plenty of time to put yourself together.