Hook up with hot gay men at Limeridge Mall in Hamilton
  • Limeridge Mall

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Hamilton
    • Neighbourhood: Linc exit
    • Address: 999 Upper Wentworth Street
  • Viewed: 470682
  • Rating: 2 Rating: 2 star 100
  • Description: The main bathroom is not the place to go here. The Bay at Limeridge end of the mall is more known for cruising. A mall with two bathrooms. The main bathroom isn’t the place to go. You can’t watch each other jerk off at the urinals, wall barriers between them prevent that. However, the washroom at The Bay at the end of the mall has many stalls with a large wheelchair-accessible stall at the end. Basic cruising rules apply here. Discreetly tap your foot, anyone else cruising will notice, stalls jerk off loudly so others cruising can hear.

    Note: two doors are taken off the stalls and one stall does not lock.