Hook up with hot gay men at Kopagaron Woods in Leamington
  • Kopagaron Woods

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Leamington
    • Neighbourhood: Wheatley and Leamington
    • Address: County Road 34
  • Viewed: 66278
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Take a hike along one of the most beautiful forest boardwalk trails in the region. While exploring this 19 hectare Carolinian woodland, you'll see Tulip-tree, Sassafras, Black Gum, Sycamore and Flowering Dogwood trees, as well as wildflowers such as Trillium, Jack-in-the-pulpit, May Apple, Spring Beauty and Columbine, to mention just a few. Kopegaron Woods Conservation Area is renowned for its spring wildflowers, and is a great place for photographers to hone their skills in the brilliant sea of colour that lines the trails. Boardwalk trails meander through this conservation area, and beautiful spring warblers can be often be spotted resting before continuing their flight north in spring.