Hook up with hot gay men at Paul Coffey Park in Mississauga
  • Paul Coffey Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Mississauga
    • Neighbourhood: Malton
    • Address: 6870 Goreway Drive
  • Viewed: 51319
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: This park is located at the corner of Derry Rd and Goreway Rd across from Mcdonald's. Everyone knows the park, it is the one with the big plane in the middle of it near the Westwood Arena. It has many areas to meet up in the daytime and night.
    At the end of the roadway that cars can travel on, there's a building that has washrooms, see additional pics. I'm not sure how long they remain open since they don't seem to be heated at all, so it might be a seasonal thing.