Hook up with hot gay men at Ottawa River Parkway East in Ottawa
  • Ottawa River Parkway East

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Ottawa
    • Neighbourhood: Greenbelt/Gloucester North/Orleans
    • Address: Sir Georeges-Etienne Parkway
  • Viewed: 258821
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: This is now identified as (NCC) Parking Lot P27, with new signage. Two paths to use, one-off through field leads to trails where you can be nude and have sex almost anywhere. The second path is gravel leading away from the lot. It has a couple of paths off it leading into the field and bushes. There was landscaping activity in the area to plant 3.000 trees in the area from the parking lot to Canotek.