Hook up with hot gay men at Hollinger Park in Timmins
  • Hollinger Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Timmins
    • Neighbourhood: Timmins
    • Address: Brunette Road
  • Viewed: 73289
  • Rating: 1 Rating: 1 star 100
  • Description: When entering the park, it is usually better to park your car near the entrance and walk around, that way police do not see headlights in the parking lot. Best place to cruise is near the mini putt bathroom area, or in the bleacher area or behind where you have a little privacy. There is an entrance to the apartment parking lot near the mini putt, that you could get away with if you are in the back of the parking lot, or over by the outdoor pavilion, this way if you see headlights coming into the parking lot, you have enough time to put your pants back on. This is more of a night time cruising area as the park is used a lot during the day.