Hook up with hot gay men at Regatta Road in Toronto
  • Regatta Road

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Toronto
    • Neighbourhood: Port Lands/Cherry Beach
    • Address: 23 Regatta Rd
  • Viewed: 3126124
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: This location consists of several cruising areas. On Google Maps this spot is named 'Frolicking Trails' If you view the map listing it gives you the most popular times when the most number of people are down here.
    There is the parking lot, which also happens to be part of Regatta Road. The action here takes place at the very end. As you drive south down Regatta Road, you will come to a stop sign where the bike path crosses the road. Immediately past the stop sign, turn left and drive east to the very end. At night time it can be pitch black down here. The second area is the trails directly across and to the north, northeast, and east of the end of the parking lot. There is a bike path dividing the parking lot of the bush area where the trails are to the north. The paths are well-worn and hard to miss. Walk along them until you find something fun.

    The parking lot can be a source of action 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year. Rain or shine, snow or no snow. You will find action here at the most unexpected times. The bush trails tend to be more popular from April to October. This place is massive. The causing area runs from the bike path north to Unwin and from nearly Regatta Road to the west to the smoke stack to the east.

    The Cherry St. lift bridge is closed for repairs until August 31, 2024. See the Ports Toronto website for details and schedule. Use Leslie St.