Hook up with hot gay men at West Toronto Railpath in Toronto
  • West Toronto Railpath

  • Website link:
    • City: Toronto
    • Neighbourhood: Dundas West
    • Address: 1456 Bloor St. W
  • Viewed: 57500
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: The West Toronto Railpath is a multi-use asphalt trail running from The Junction neighbourhood toward downtown Toronto. You can access the trail from Bloor St., right behind the Bloor UP station. Many guys cruise in the evening around 8pm towards 3am. Drunk guys usually frequent the area late night on weekends. Discreet straight men tend to walk around at night during the week. The path is used by runners, bikers, students, and contractors. It's very diverse as people tend to catch the UP to the airport or Union Station. The path connects to Crossway Mall cruising, Sorauren Park and High Park cruising. There are places you can fool around. When it's late at night, you can find cruising on the walking path bridge. Most guys just adjust themselves and smile or look at your package to signal cruising.