Hook up with hot gay men at Fit4Less Queensway in Toronto
  • Fit4Less Queensway

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Toronto
    • Neighbourhood: Queensway and Kipling
    • Address: 1255 The Queensway
  • Viewed: 5232
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: The rear parking of the gym is the perfect discreet place to park and have fun in the car. The locker room late at night has potential for fun, but keep in mind that they turn off the water to the showers at 9:45 and the last staff members are usually gone by 11. The one handicapped stall with a shower still has a functioning shower at night and is large enough for 2 guys to play discreetly. Probably best to arrange to meet a squirt guy there rather than cruising new guys in the locker room.