Hook up with hot gay men at GoodLife Fitness Vaughan Keele Street in Toronto
  • GoodLife Fitness Vaughan Keele Street

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Toronto
    • Neighbourhood: Vaughan
    • Address: 7700 Keele St, Concord, ON L4K 2A1
  • Viewed: 43505
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: This gym has a large steam room that stretches far back enough that there is good privacy should someone walk in. The steam is also thick so you wouldn't be seen. There are two open showers but with no soap. Just to rinse off from the pool. The actual shower area is old school. Still has curtains. On Sunday evenings, the curtains are taken down to get washed so it's open for all to see. There is a sauna by the pool, but it is co-ed, as is the whirlpool. The sauna also has a large window facing the pool so absolutely no way can anything happen in there. No longer 24 hrs.