Hook up with hot gay men at Brookfield Place in Toronto
  • Brookfield Place

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Toronto
    • Neighbourhood: Downtown
    • Address: 181 Bay Street
  • Viewed: 318638
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Four washrooms total.

    One washroom next to Marché: 2 stalls and 3 urinals (currently under renovation). Most popular because the urinals are hidden behind two walls (behind the entrance and behind the sinks).

    One washroom next to Longo’s: 2 stalls and 3 urinals.

    One washroom next to Thai Island: long narrow shape with 5 urinals, and 2 stalls.

    One washroom towards Union Station right across from Rogers, 2 stalls, 2 urinals.