Hook up with hot gay men at Lester B. Pearson International Airport Terminal 3 Arrivals Level in Toronto
  • Lester B. Pearson International Airport Terminal 3 Arrivals Level

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Toronto
    • Neighbourhood: Airport
    • Address: 3111 Convair Drive
  • Viewed: 135266
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: When entering the arrivals-level (in the basement), washroom is located at the far right. There is no door, so a bit risky, but good to cruise from stalls; also, sometimes 20-30 minutes between visitors, because it's out of the way, so can be very quiet.

    There are a couple of washrooms on the departures level that have full length, locking doors that are more private than the stalls.