Hook up with hot gay men at Blooming Point Beach in Charlottetown
  • Blooming Point Beach

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Charlottetown
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: Blooming Point Road
  • Viewed: 110332
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Blooming Point is a beautiful, sandy beach located within the boundaries of Prince Edward Island National Park. However, it is not accessible from the main area of the national park, which lies to the west of Blooming Point, across a small bay. This undeveloped beach stretches about ten kilometers and is not heavily visited. The western end of the beach, near the fenced off piping glover nesting area, is where nude bathers gather. Some visitors have dubbed this area "Bloomerless Point". Although some straight couples visit the beach, the crowd is mostly gay men. Crowds are likely to be twenty or fewer. Despite the small crowds, Blooming Point is the best established nude beach on Prince Edward Island. The RCMP have been known to show up and issue tickets but very rarely. If a uniform approaches suit up.