Hook up with hot gay men at Buanderie in Montreal
  • Buanderie

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Montreal
    • Neighbourhood: St-Michel/Ahunstic
    • Address: 9722 Bd Saint-Michel
  • Viewed: 144
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: People come in once every hour or around 30 minutes. You should have enough time to get a cum and go play. There are bus drivers who come in during their stops to use the bathrooms. (If you drive the 121 bus and you want quick fun! keep the bathroom door open after youve finished and flush the toilet again. That should be a subtle hint ;) I was so close to approaching a bus driver today but I wasnt sure and played it safe. Have fun boys ;) find parking around the block.