Hook up with hot gay men at Complex Sportif Claude-Robillard in Montreal
  • Complex Sportif Claude-Robillard

  • Website link:
    • City: Montreal
    • Neighbourhood: Ahuntsic
    • Address: 1000 Avenue Emile Journault
  • Viewed: 482606
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Lockers and showers of the indoor pool can be very cruisy.

    Renovation alert: the swimming pool and its locker room will be closed for at least one year, starting August 2024.

    Facilities: For more privacy, go into the park just in front.
    Small public park in front (Boise St-Sulpice) with a lot of bushes.

    All of this action for this place takes place across the street in boisé Saint Sulpice. From the front entrance of the sports complex, cross the street and you will see the path. Walk up the path halfway and turn right. Keep walking until you see benches. That’s where guys meet up.