Hook up with hot gay men at 2020 Metro McGill Foodcourt Level in Montreal
  • 2020 Metro McGill Foodcourt Level

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Montreal
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 2020 Boulevard Robert-Bourassa
  • Viewed: 160152
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: This is a washroom on the food court level of the 2020 Tour Intact building. There are 3 urinals beside the door. This is a fairly discreet location, and if more discretion is necessary, you could go to the stalls and play there. The partitions are very low, so both guys could play in one stall. Be cautious, though.

    Due to increased activity, the restroom is closed from 5:00 pm daily. Action in the evening moves to nearby Mobilia and The Bay.

    There is another bathroom, same building at street level in the hall behind the elevators. Very discreet location too. 2 urinals and 2 stalls (1 for disabled)