Hook up with hot gay men at DoubleTree 6th Floor Bathrooms in Montreal
  • DoubleTree 6th Floor Bathrooms

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Montreal
    • Neighbourhood: Downtown / Complexe Desjardins
    • Address: 1255 Rue Jeanne-Mance
  • Viewed: 105112
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: Low traffic hotel lobby bathroom at Complexe Desjardins 6th floor.
    There are three urinals with frosted separators and four stalls with walls and a full door for ultimate privacy. Music playing adds extra privacy and muffled sounds.

    This hotel also has a discreet sauna and showers if a hotel guest is staying. You need a room key to access the sauna, which is a great place to play. The sauna is shared co-ed, but you can hear when someone is coming. There is no nudity in the sauna. The change rooms also have showers.