Hook up with hot gay men at La Baie dHudson in Montreal
  • La Baie dHudson

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Montreal
    • Neighbourhood: Downtown
    • Address: 585 Rue Sainte-Catherine O
  • Viewed: 189104
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: There are 3 washrooms that are active. One on the 2nd floor, one on the 4th the busiest and the least active on the 7th.
    2nd floor: the least active floor has 3 urinals and 3 stalls out of plain view upon entrance
    4th floor: same layout as 2nd floor but the busiest. Action happens at the urinals and under the stalls
    7th floor: 2 urinals with dividers and 2 stalls visible upon entering. Not safe at all! Floor is the least busy out of all the 8 floors in the floor but has no warnings once you entered the door