Hook up with hot gay men at Parque de la Fraternidad in Havana
  • Parque de la Fraternidad

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Havana
    • Neighbourhood: La Habana Vieja
    • Address: Ave D Bolivar (Reina)
  • Viewed: 795
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: This is a small central location park area with footpaths crossing the square. In the centre of the square is a very large tree surrounded by a fence. The fence has a gate on the northern side which can easily be pushed open. Some action does happen behind the wall. The park is mainly a cruising area, where people pick-up and then go elsewhere. This is a public park, with people walking through 24/7. Fairly dark after dark, only a few of the lights work. Park benches line each of the paths and this is where the cruising happens.