Essential safe sex tips when cruising for gay men

Safe Sex Tips When Cruising For Gay Men

If you’re a gay man or just a guy who likes to get off with other guys, the thrill of an anonymous hookup is pretty hard to beat. Whether it’s someone you’ve connected with through, or just a random cock that you’ve got your hands on at a truck-stop, in the park, or a public toilet, when you’re horned up and ready for action you’re not going to be thinking about much beyond maximising your pleasure.

That’s why it’s important that you’re as clued-up as possible about how to look after your health - particularly when it comes to Sexually Transmitted Infections, or STIs.

Guys who cruise for man-on-man sex are generally more at risk of exposure to STIs because of the anonymous nature of the encounter. You’re probably not going to know the name of the guy that you’re hooking up with, let alone have a chance to ask him about his health or testing history.

The basics

Have a testing plan
If you’re sexually active, then you need to be getting tested for STIs at least every 12 months. If you’re regularly hooking up with different guys, then you need to increase your testing to every 3-6 months. Work out where you’re going to get your testing done - whether it’s a home testing kit, a specialist sexual health clinic, or your local medical practitioner. You need access to a medical professional who you’re comfortable with and with whom you can talk openly about the sex that you have.

Know your STIs Educate yourself about the different STIs that you need to be tested for. Understand what the symptoms might look like, and learn about the different risks of exposure.

Help stop the spread of STIs Once diagnosed, the treatment for most STIs is relatively straightforward and fairly effective. If you have an STI, don’t have sex with anyone until there is no risk that you could transmit the infection.


Condoms used to be essential to reduce the risks of HIV transmission, but things have changed. With the availability of PrEP, and the effectiveness of Treatment as Prevention (Undetectable = Untransmittable) the risks associated with HIV have reduced and guys are increasingly fucking without condoms.

Because they create a physical barrier, condoms can still be good for preventing other STIs, so don’t dismiss them completely.

Make sure you’re using a good quality lube. Insufficient lube can lead to tears or damage in your ass, making you more vulnerable to STIs.


Taking a guy’s cock down your throat does come with some risks. These risks are increased if you have any cuts or sores inside your mouth. It’s generally recommended that you don’t brush your teeth just before sucking cock - brushing may aggravate any cuts or sores.

You could lower the risk of STIs such as gonorrhea or chlamydia by getting the guy that you’re sucking to wear a condom, but generally that’s not going to happen.

Be observant - if the guy’s cock doesn’t look good, doesn’t smell good, or doesn’t taste good, then maybe you should think twice about putting it in your mouth.

Butt Play and Rimming

Butt play is when you’re using your fingers, a dildo, or your fist to work a guy over and open his ass up. Rimming is when you put your mouth on his ass and stick your tongue up his fuck-hole. The main risk that you’ve got here is an STI called Shigella.

Shigella is a bacteria that is transmitted through faeces - through a guy’s shit. It only takes the smallest amount of contact with the bacteria for the infection to be transmitted. No matter how clean he looks, if he’s got Shigella and you’re playing with his ass then it’s pretty likely that you’ll be exposed to the bacteria.

If you can, make sure you both have a shower before the action gets under way. If there’s any sign of shit during your play, avoid contact with your mouth and get it cleaned up as soon as possible.