Hook up with hot gay men at Aylestone Meadows Car Park in Leicester
  • Aylestone Meadows Car Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Leicester
    • Neighbourhood: Aylestone
    • Address: Aylestone Rd
  • Viewed: 575193
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Parkin second car park over the canal bridge. You will see a wooded area in front. Many paths inside for nighttime action. But if you follow the path away from there you will come to a hole in the fence. Inside are many places and paths for action all day and night. You will see twin tall thin trees and a large metal gate and you're there.
    There is a small amount of building work going on in the main park area quite a few workmen walking around on the main path
    There is a lot of people walking dogs and many people using the crushing path as its less open due to Covid requirements in Leicester people are not wanting to be seen.

    Just a short update the main car park will be closed from the 20th august 2021 for maintenance work this will be a 3-day job

    Just a short update the main car park is now closed this is due to tree management there is plenty of parking around the area