Hook up with hot gay men at A43 Layby / Hardwick Short Wood in Northampton
  • A43 Layby / Hardwick Short Wood

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Northampton
    • Neighbourhood: Between Kettering and Northampton
    • Address:
  • Viewed: 771108
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: There are two laybys opposite each other. The southbound layby (direction Northampton) is the main one used by gays. Walk through the gate at the top of the layby onto the bridle path and the action takes place in the woods on the right of the path. Walk along the bridle path and you'll see the gaps in the trees that lead to the paths into the wood. At the Northbound layby (direction Kettering) go into a small wooded area between the road and the layby which is cruisy. At night you can go into the field through the gate near the entrance to the layby. There is currently (2024) a GH located on the Kettering bound side.