Hook up with hot gay men at Baas Hill Woods in Broxbourne
  • Baas Hill Woods

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Broxbourne
    • Neighbourhood: Baas Hill
    • Address: 2 Baas Hill
  • Viewed: 435824
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: The copse is great as you can see people parking and dog walkers, without being spotted yourself. Park up & walk down past the gate to the bottom of what was the car park. There is a small copse on the right. This gives a good view of cars coming in to the car park but you can be discreet. Sometimes guys sit at the picnic table and wait.
    Head into the. Woods acme enjoy yourself, quiet a good place to goto there is also a new place turnford brook which is fairly new and have seen a few people going there also some guys who like to watch have been spotted there too . This place is great but I recon the brook has a lot of potential too