Hook up with hot gay men at Cow watering lane writtle in Chelmsford
  • Cow watering lane writtle

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Chelmsford
    • Neighbourhood: Writtle
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  • Viewed: 881
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  • Description: Rarely used footpath at the back of Writtle uni lots of tree cover. Not uncommon for dog walkers to walk through but is not a much-used path. The best time to visit is after 7 pm.
    Can be tricky to find but 2 or 3 ways to approach the area.
    From Writtle uni car park walk through the gate and follow the cycle path down until the fenced-off horse field, turn left, and follow the walkway turning right when the fence bears right. After a few hundred yards there is an opening in the bushes on the left-hand side into the wooded area. If approaching this way there will be another public walkway on the left, keep walking straight to the entrance to the wooded area is the second opening in the bushes.

    If coming from the cow watering lane the entrance is at the far end of the horse field fencing. Go through the gate keeping the horse field on your left and walk straight down through the opening in the trees There is a path to the left before the bridge over to the stream. Follow that path straight down.
    Parking may be tricky could probably use Writtle uni car park but not sure on the restrictions. Few small spots on the cow watering lane but the area is mainly accessible on foot.