Hook up with hot gay men at Putney Heath in Richmond
  • Putney Heath

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Richmond
    • Neighbourhood: Putney
    • Address: Wildcroft Road
  • Viewed: 92826
  • Rating: 2 Rating: 2 star 100
  • Description: Cars park along road Wildcroft Road. Watch guys walking up and down the road then disappearing off into the wooded areas. Follow if you are interested and likewise, they do the same. Some nice and secluded spots for fucking, sucking, and group activities. Also a good area for car fun after dark (roughly 12 am-4 am)

    Specific areas to head to The secluded triangular woodland behind the Telegraph pub between the Cricket Club car park and Hartley’s Obelisk and the larger woodland between Wildcroft Road and the A219. The area to the north of the Cricket Ground has become busier with families but still worth a watch out now and then. The bench in the open area to the west of Telegraph Road north of the Village is a good hanging out spot, and the dell directly to the north is a good mud spot in winter for any WAM play once you get off the main bridle path leading back to Putney Heath road. Some more secluded spots down in the woods between Scio Ride and Roehampton Lane and a hidden bog that runs northwest from the Scio Pond if that’s your sort of thing.