Hook up with hot gay men at Moto, Barton Park in Richmond
  • Moto, Barton Park

  • Website link:
    • City: Richmond
    • Neighbourhood: A1, Junction 56, Richmond DL10 6NA
    • Address:
  • Viewed: 114
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  • Description: Heres a short story based on your prompt:

    The lorry park off the A1 was quiet, Tucked behind a row of tired-looking trees, the place had an air of solitude, broken only by the occasional rumble of an idling engine. He pulled in just after midday, easing his truck into a space near the back, where the toilet block

    The showers were old but serviceable, the kind that still took pound coins for a few minutes of hot water. Inside, two stalls lined the far wall, their doors slightly ajar, revealing the dimly lit cubicles beyond. It was clean enough, considering the locationa rarity for places like this.