Hook up with hot gay men at Druridge Bay in Ashington
  • Druridge Bay

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Ashington
    • Neighbourhood: Morpeth
    • Address: Unnamed road
  • Viewed: 115463
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: One of Northern England's hottest gay cruising beaches. This section of Druridge Bay is a gloriously wild and isolated area of dunes between the marsh and the sea. Lots of hot gay, bi, straight, bi guys and M/F couples sunbathing or cruising naked or in swimwear.

    Paths across the dunes are cruisy with hidden sunbathing spots where guys fuck. It is also possible to swim naked. It is a sheltered spot, so it will be hot on a summer's day. Great naked swimming if the tide is coming in and warming the water on the hot sand.

    You can also swim in the tidal lagoons which are sometimes left when the tide retreats. Take water, sandwiches, condoms, suncream and beach towel.