Hook up with hot gay men at Lydgett North Layby in Consett
  • Lydgett North Layby

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Consett
    • Neighbourhood: The Grove
    • Address: National Cycle Route 14
  • Viewed: 5505
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: This is a layby five minutes north of Lydgetts Junction picnic site, on the same access road, as you come from Consett town centre. It is a 55-metre-long layby, on the right-hand side as you come off the A692 Consett Road, heading towards Lydgetts Junction picnic site which has a listing on here, but this is a separate location.

    You turn off the A692 Consett Road, and head 0.2 miles towards the Lydgetts Junction picnic site, but as the road snakes to the left, the layby is on the right side.

    It is a big layby, the ground is gravelled and good for vehicles. There is enough parking space for at least twelve to fifteen cars. The parking is shielded from the road by vegetation, and you immediately have woods at the rear which are cruisy, dense and secluded.

    This, in itself, is a better hookup spot than Lydgetts Junction picnic site, which is five minutes away, because it is not used by the general public; it is more secluded and screened, and most of the visitors are guys looking for sex. This area never closes, it does not have CCTV and is away from housing in a peaceful area.