Hook up with hot gay men at High Level Bridge in Gateshead
  • High Level Bridge

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Gateshead
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: Pipewellgate
  • Viewed: 9227
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Great area for cruising. Head down the steps from Ochre yard into the bushy area and head towards the arch under the high-level bridge. Alternatively, you can head up the steps from Buffalo Joe's. Follow the path alongside the Hilton and you'll come to the arch that way.
    Attract attention in the normal way and have fun. Rabbit Banks is also close by.
    A steep wooded park connected by pathways, just below the High Level Bridge. Park after 6pm for free at Pipewellgate car park on the banks of the River Tyne and walk up. Only night-time cruising here. Alternatively, walk down from High Level Road or Fletcher Road.

    GPS: 54.964872, -1.608960
    W3W: w3w.co/pipe.urgent.cheek