Hook up with hot gay men at Rake Lane Layby in North Shields
  • Rake Lane Layby

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: North Shields
    • Neighbourhood: Norht Shields/Monkseaton
    • Address: Rake Lane
  • Viewed: 37954
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: A secluded, bushy area alongside a mini power station. Access is at the New York end of Rake Lane, not the Monkseaton end. If you are coming from Newcastle, towards the coast, there is a lay-by just past number 39 Rake Lane. At the start of the lay-by there is a closed gate. Park in the lay-by and walk around the gate. Go straight ahead. After 200 metres, you will be a small electricity station to your left. Turn to your left and walk towards the power station gates. As you reach the gate, turn right and follow the fence around. This will bring you to the small wooded are where the cruising goes on.